Social Media

Social Media



The Most Popular Social Media Platforms

The Most Popular Social Media Platforms

Each platform comes with its unique attributes, features, and user demographics. It's critical to assess which social platforms will have the most impact for you, and where your existing and potential customers are most engaged.


min read

Dec 26, 2023

Social Media Marketing


Social Media Landscape

Social Media Landscape

Social media landscapes are in constant flux. User behaviors shift, and audience trends vary, continually reshaping the social media environment. This evolution can be attributed to several factors, including changes in platform algorithms, emerging platforms that attract different demographics, and shifts in consumer preferences and behaviors. Each platform comes with its unique attributes, user demographics, and potential for both organic and paid reach. It's critical to assess not just how many platforms you can effectively manage, but also where your existing and potential customers are most engaged. This requires a strategic alignment between your business goals, the kind of content you can produce, and your budget for social media marketing. For example, the rise of short-form video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels has significantly altered content strategies and what content is favored by algorithms. Here's a current overview of the social media landscape.

Social Media Platform Share

Navigating the vast landscape of social media networks can be a daunting task. While the temptation to establish a presence on numerous platforms exists, this approach may spread resources too thin, particularly for smaller businesses with limited marketing budgets. It is important to critically evaluate the number of social media accounts you can effectively manage. The key is to identify and focus on the networks where your target audience is most actively engaged. This strategy is about ensuring these resources are invested in the platforms where opportunities are most realistic for your social media accounts. This consideration should align with your goals for social media, the nature of the content you produce, and the balance between organic reach and any paid social media content.


Though Facebook may have lost some of its initial allure as a groundbreaking social media platform, it continues to hold the title as the most universally used social network across the globe. In recent years, the platform has shifted its algorithms in a way that makes it increasingly challenging for businesses to achieve substantial organic reach. As a result, many companies find themselves needing to allocate funds for paid advertising campaigns to effectively reach their intended audience.

Navigating this intricate and constantly changing social media landscape can certainly feel overwhelming, especially for businesses that aim to both extend their reach and efficiently manage their marketing budgets. Facebook offers a wide array of valuable features designed to benefit businesses, whether large or small. These features include comprehensive business pages that allow for extensive brand storytelling, sophisticated retargeting options in advertising to re-engage potential customers, a direct messaging system for real-time customer communication, and the convenience of embedding links to external websites directly within posts.

  • Demographics: 59% of all social media users are on Facebook. In the U.S., 26% of users are aged 25 to 34.

  • Usage: An average user spends approximately 19.6 hours per month on the platform.

  • Reach: 2.91 billion monthly active users


If your business specializes in creating visually captivating content, Instagram offers an ideal environment to showcase your offerings. This platform is particularly suited for industries where the product or service can be visually represented in a compelling manner. For example, restaurants can post mouth-watering images of their signature dishes, boutiques can showcase their latest fashion collections, and beauty brands can offer how-to tutorials using their products. Instagram is most popular in the United States, Brazil, and India.

One of Instagram's distinguishing features is its younger user base. About 70% of the platform's audience falls within the age group of 13-34, a demographic that's generally more open to discovering new brands and is highly active on social media. This is an invaluable opportunity if your brand aims to target younger consumers, either to introduce them to your product or to cultivate long-term loyalty.

  • Demographics: About 70% of users are between the ages of 13 and 34.

  • Features: High brand participation through hashtags, relatable images, and stories.

  • Reach: 1.4 billion monthly active users

If your business specializes in creating visually captivating content, Instagram offers an ideal environment to showcase your offerings. This platform is particularly suited for industries where the product or service can be visually represented in a compelling manner. For example, restaurants can post mouth-watering images of their signature dishes, boutiques can showcase their latest fashion collections, and beauty brands can offer how-to tutorials using their products. Instagram is most popular in the United States, Brazil, and India.

One of Instagram's distinguishing features is its younger user base. About 70% of the platform's audience falls within the age group of 13-34, a demographic that's generally more open to discovering new brands and is highly active on social media. This is an invaluable opportunity if your brand aims to target younger consumers, either to introduce them to your product or to cultivate long-term loyalty.

  • Demographics: About 70% of users are between the ages of 13 and 34.

  • Features: High brand participation through hashtags, relatable images, and stories.

  • Reach: 1.4 billion monthly active users



TikTok has quickly become a juggernaut in the social media world, offering short-form video content that resonates strongly with younger audiences. TikTok has exploded onto the social media landscape with comparatively unprecedented adoption rate, rapidly carving out a significant space for itself amidst long-standing giants like Facebook and Instagram. TikTok has already successfully amassed over 1 billion monthly active users, making it one of the fastest-growing social media platforms today. The sheer volume of its user base offers a colossal potential market for brands that can creatively adapt their marketing strategies to TikTok's unique content format and audience behavior. TikTok has seen explosive growth in a variety of countries, particularly in China (where it's known as Douyin), the United States, and other parts of Asia.

TikTok specializes in short-form video content that not only engages but also captivates its predominantly young user base. If your business aims to connect with a youthful demographic, particularly those aged 14 to 25, integrating TikTok into your social media strategy is not just an option—it's practically obligatory. TikTok has successfully tapped into a younger demographic that many other platforms struggle to reach effectively. Most users fall within the age range of 10 to 29, making it a goldmine for brands that want to target younger consumers. Whether it's Generation Z or younger Millennials, TikTok provides direct access to a group that is notoriously hard to reach through traditional advertising channels.

  • Demographics: Predominantly used by people between the ages of 10 and 29.

  • Usage: Over 1 million video views and 1 billion sound uses daily.

  • Reach: More than 1 billion monthly active users

TikTok has quickly become a juggernaut in the social media world, offering short-form video content that resonates strongly with younger audiences. TikTok has exploded onto the social media landscape with comparatively unprecedented adoption rate, rapidly carving out a significant space for itself amidst long-standing giants like Facebook and Instagram. TikTok has already successfully amassed over 1 billion monthly active users, making it one of the fastest-growing social media platforms today. The sheer volume of its user base offers a colossal potential market for brands that can creatively adapt their marketing strategies to TikTok's unique content format and audience behavior. TikTok has seen explosive growth in a variety of countries, particularly in China (where it's known as Douyin), the United States, and other parts of Asia.

TikTok specializes in short-form video content that not only engages but also captivates its predominantly young user base. If your business aims to connect with a youthful demographic, particularly those aged 14 to 25, integrating TikTok into your social media strategy is not just an option—it's practically obligatory. TikTok has successfully tapped into a younger demographic that many other platforms struggle to reach effectively. Most users fall within the age range of 10 to 29, making it a goldmine for brands that want to target younger consumers. Whether it's Generation Z or younger Millennials, TikTok provides direct access to a group that is notoriously hard to reach through traditional advertising channels.

  • Demographics: Predominantly used by people between the ages of 10 and 29.

  • Usage: Over 1 million video views and 1 billion sound uses daily.

  • Reach: More than 1 billion monthly active users



LinkedIn has solidified its place as the leading social media platform specifically designed for professional networking. With a focus on creating connections and sharing industry-specific content, LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity for B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing. LinkedIn's user base is impressively diverse, both in terms of industries represented and geographic reach. LinkedIn has a diverse global presence but active users are concentrated in the United States, India, and China. Notably, a considerable 77% of its users are located outside the United States. This makes LinkedIn an excellent channel for businesses looking to connect with global industry leaders and tap into markets across borders.

LinkedIn allows you to target specific audiences through various professional parameters like job title, company, industry, and even specific skills or interests. With the ability to publish long-form articles, share updates via company pages or personal profiles, and even upload multimedia content like videos and presentations, the platform provides numerous ways for businesses to display their expertise. Additionally, LinkedIn groups offer specialized forums where professionals can discuss industry trends, share best practices, and pose questions to peers, providing another avenue to showcase your company as a leader in your field.

  • Demographics: A significant 77% of LinkedIn users are from outside the U.S.

  • Features: Well-suited for B2B companies aiming to establish thought leadership and build professional networks.

  • Reach: 250 million monthly active users

LinkedIn has solidified its place as the leading social media platform specifically designed for professional networking. With a focus on creating connections and sharing industry-specific content, LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity for B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing. LinkedIn's user base is impressively diverse, both in terms of industries represented and geographic reach. LinkedIn has a diverse global presence but active users are concentrated in the United States, India, and China. Notably, a considerable 77% of its users are located outside the United States. This makes LinkedIn an excellent channel for businesses looking to connect with global industry leaders and tap into markets across borders.

LinkedIn allows you to target specific audiences through various professional parameters like job title, company, industry, and even specific skills or interests. With the ability to publish long-form articles, share updates via company pages or personal profiles, and even upload multimedia content like videos and presentations, the platform provides numerous ways for businesses to display their expertise. Additionally, LinkedIn groups offer specialized forums where professionals can discuss industry trends, share best practices, and pose questions to peers, providing another avenue to showcase your company as a leader in your field.

  • Demographics: A significant 77% of LinkedIn users are from outside the U.S.

  • Features: Well-suited for B2B companies aiming to establish thought leadership and build professional networks.

  • Reach: 250 million monthly active users

Twitter or X

Twitter or X

With Elon Musk at the helm, X, formerly known as Twitter, continues to hold significant sway in shaping public opinion, particularly in sectors like media, technology, and leadership. It has evolved into a dual-purpose tool that serves both B2B and B2C sectors, offering real-time engagement and the dissemination of breaking news and trends. However, this dynamic platform demands a well-maintained, active, and responsive brand presence to fully harness its potential.

With over 77 million users residing in the United States, X has a notably U.S.-centric audience but retains a global reach. X is most popular in the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom across a wide range of demographics and industries. From politicians and CEOs to journalists and everyday consumers, X is a melting pot of opinions and discussions. This offers brands a unique opportunity to interact with a varied and highly segmented audience, enabling more personalized and targeted marketing strategies.

  • Demographics: Over 77 million users are from the U.S.

  • Usage: An average of 6,000 tweets are sent every second.

  • Reach: 353 million monthly active users

With Elon Musk at the helm, X, formerly known as Twitter, continues to hold significant sway in shaping public opinion, particularly in sectors like media, technology, and leadership. It has evolved into a dual-purpose tool that serves both B2B and B2C sectors, offering real-time engagement and the dissemination of breaking news and trends. However, this dynamic platform demands a well-maintained, active, and responsive brand presence to fully harness its potential.

With over 77 million users residing in the United States, X has a notably U.S.-centric audience but retains a global reach. X is most popular in the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom across a wide range of demographics and industries. From politicians and CEOs to journalists and everyday consumers, X is a melting pot of opinions and discussions. This offers brands a unique opportunity to interact with a varied and highly segmented audience, enabling more personalized and targeted marketing strategies.

  • Demographics: Over 77 million users are from the U.S.

  • Usage: An average of 6,000 tweets are sent every second.

  • Reach: 353 million monthly active users



Pinterest offers a unique social media experience, one that is primarily geared toward discovery and inspiration. With a visual-first approach, it serves as an enormous, interactive mood board for users to explore content that aligns with their interests and aspirations. For businesses in industries like beauty, fitness, home goods, and retail, Pinterest provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase products and ideas in a way that encourages interaction and, ultimately, conversions. Pinterest's popularity is concentrated in the United States, followed by countries like Brazil and India.

Pinterest attracts a specific kind of user: the inspirational shopper. These are individuals who often turn to the platform for ideas before making a purchase, whether they're planning a wedding, redecorating a home, or looking for the perfect fitness routine. Given this demographic, the platform is a goldmine for brands that want to influence consumer choices during the consideration phase. They can use Pinterest to be part of the initial discovery process, placing their products or services in the spotlight when users are actively seeking inspiration.

  • Demographics: Dominated by users looking for purchase inspiration.

  • Features: Mainly visual, focused on "pinning" content to personal boards.

  • Reach: 431 million monthly active users

Pinterest offers a unique social media experience, one that is primarily geared toward discovery and inspiration. With a visual-first approach, it serves as an enormous, interactive mood board for users to explore content that aligns with their interests and aspirations. For businesses in industries like beauty, fitness, home goods, and retail, Pinterest provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase products and ideas in a way that encourages interaction and, ultimately, conversions. Pinterest's popularity is concentrated in the United States, followed by countries like Brazil and India.

Pinterest attracts a specific kind of user: the inspirational shopper. These are individuals who often turn to the platform for ideas before making a purchase, whether they're planning a wedding, redecorating a home, or looking for the perfect fitness routine. Given this demographic, the platform is a goldmine for brands that want to influence consumer choices during the consideration phase. They can use Pinterest to be part of the initial discovery process, placing their products or services in the spotlight when users are actively seeking inspiration.

  • Demographics: Dominated by users looking for purchase inspiration.

  • Features: Mainly visual, focused on "pinning" content to personal boards.

  • Reach: 431 million monthly active users



Although YouTube may not offer as much user-to-user interaction, it has a hugely active and growing audience, making it the second-largest social platform in terms of monthly active users. YouTube has carved out a unique space in the social media landscape, transforming the way we consume, create, and share video content. While it may not offer the same level of user-to-user direct interaction that you'll find on platforms like Facebook or Twitter, YouTube is a powerhouse in terms of audience reach and engagement. It stands as the second-largest social media platform when it comes to monthly active users, right behind Facebook, making it an indispensable tool for any business looking to maximize its digital footprint. YouTube, much like Facebook, sees its highest user base in India and the United States.

YouTube's primary offering is video content, providing an ideal platform for businesses and creators who specialize in visual storytelling. From quick tutorials and product reviews to in-depth documentaries and webinars, YouTube's versatile format accommodates a broad spectrum of content styles and lengths. Brands can also take advantage of features like live streaming, community posts, and the comment section to foster a sense of community and engagement among viewers. Additionally, the platform's robust analytics tools give businesses valuable insights into viewer behavior, including watch time, viewer demographics, and interaction rates, aiding in data-driven decision-making.

  • Features: Dominated by video content; a valuable platform for tutorials, reviews, and other long-form content.

  • Usage: The typical user spends approximately 20 minutes and 23 seconds per visit.

  • Reach: Second only to Facebook in terms of monthly active users with 2.5 billion monthly active users.

Although YouTube may not offer as much user-to-user interaction, it has a hugely active and growing audience, making it the second-largest social platform in terms of monthly active users. YouTube has carved out a unique space in the social media landscape, transforming the way we consume, create, and share video content. While it may not offer the same level of user-to-user direct interaction that you'll find on platforms like Facebook or Twitter, YouTube is a powerhouse in terms of audience reach and engagement. It stands as the second-largest social media platform when it comes to monthly active users, right behind Facebook, making it an indispensable tool for any business looking to maximize its digital footprint. YouTube, much like Facebook, sees its highest user base in India and the United States.

YouTube's primary offering is video content, providing an ideal platform for businesses and creators who specialize in visual storytelling. From quick tutorials and product reviews to in-depth documentaries and webinars, YouTube's versatile format accommodates a broad spectrum of content styles and lengths. Brands can also take advantage of features like live streaming, community posts, and the comment section to foster a sense of community and engagement among viewers. Additionally, the platform's robust analytics tools give businesses valuable insights into viewer behavior, including watch time, viewer demographics, and interaction rates, aiding in data-driven decision-making.

  • Features: Dominated by video content; a valuable platform for tutorials, reviews, and other long-form content.

  • Usage: The typical user spends approximately 20 minutes and 23 seconds per visit.

  • Reach: Second only to Facebook in terms of monthly active users with 2.5 billion monthly active users.



Snapchat has established itself as a social media network that is popular among younger audiences with its unique approach to ephemeral content and interactive features. As a platform initially known for its disappearing messages, Snapchat has evolved to offer a variety of content types, including stories, filters, and more recently, short-form video content similar to that of TikTok. This evolution has helped Snapchat maintain its relevance in an increasingly competitive social media landscape dominated by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Snapchat's appeal lies in its ability to offer a more intimate and authentic form of communication compared to other social media platforms. This authenticity is particularly valued by younger users, who are increasingly seeking real and unfiltered content. Snapchat is most popular among users in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom.

Snapchat's user base skews younger, with a significant concentration in the 18-24 age group, making it a key platform for brands and businesses looking to engage with Gen Z and younger Millennials. This demographic focus provides a unique opportunity for marketers to connect with an audience that is often less accessible through traditional media channels. The platform's interactive and highly personal nature also enables brands to create more engaging and immersive experiences for their audience. For businesses, this means Snapchat can be an effective tool for building brand loyalty and engaging with a younger audience in a more personal and direct manner.

  • Demographics: Predominantly used by people in the 18-24 age group.

  • Usage: Highly engaged, with the average user spending about 30.4 minutes per day on the platform.

  • Reach: More than 750 million monthly active users.

Snapchat has established itself as a social media network that is popular among younger audiences with its unique approach to ephemeral content and interactive features. As a platform initially known for its disappearing messages, Snapchat has evolved to offer a variety of content types, including stories, filters, and more recently, short-form video content similar to that of TikTok. This evolution has helped Snapchat maintain its relevance in an increasingly competitive social media landscape dominated by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Snapchat's appeal lies in its ability to offer a more intimate and authentic form of communication compared to other social media platforms. This authenticity is particularly valued by younger users, who are increasingly seeking real and unfiltered content. Snapchat is most popular among users in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom.

Snapchat's user base skews younger, with a significant concentration in the 18-24 age group, making it a key platform for brands and businesses looking to engage with Gen Z and younger Millennials. This demographic focus provides a unique opportunity for marketers to connect with an audience that is often less accessible through traditional media channels. The platform's interactive and highly personal nature also enables brands to create more engaging and immersive experiences for their audience. For businesses, this means Snapchat can be an effective tool for building brand loyalty and engaging with a younger audience in a more personal and direct manner.

  • Demographics: Predominantly used by people in the 18-24 age group.

  • Usage: Highly engaged, with the average user spending about 30.4 minutes per day on the platform.

  • Reach: More than 750 million monthly active users.

Valters Lauzums

Adjunct Instructor

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