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Definitive Guide to Social Media Content

Definitive Guide to Social Media Content

Content creation is the cornerstone of contemporary digital marketing and communication strategies. In most cases, this is focused on social media platforms, where a vast majority of content is consumed.


min read

Dec 28, 2023

Social Media Marketing


What is Social Content Creation?

What is Social Content Creation?

Content creation encompasses the development of material intended for self-expression, distribution, marketing, and publication across various mediums. This can take multiple forms, from textual and visual to auditory and interactive, each serving a unique purpose in engaging audiences. This digital tilt of society means that content creation is the primary means of communication for brands and businesses. As content creation now defines much of what we consider marketing, social media has become a creative playground for information and experiences conveyed through various media to deliver value to consumers. These platforms not only host a diverse range of content, from text posts and images to videos and live streams, but they also facilitate unique interactions between creators and their audiences. Furthermore, the rise of features like stories, reels, and interactive polls on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter has expanded the creative possibilities, allowing for more dynamic and engaging content than ever before.

Content Creators

A content creator is an individual who produces material that has enough value for people to follow them on social media, which could mean they create content that's informative, entertaining, or anything in between. Most content creation is on social media platforms, where a vast majority of content is consumed. Content creators are a broad category and may include celebrities, politicians, professionals, artists, or essentially anyone with a public social media handle who makes content. Influencers have emerged as a prominent subset of content creators, typically characterized by a large following on social media platforms, with enough social clout to influence others in varying degrees. Influencers have the power to mold public opinion and are frequently involved in endorsing products, spreading memes, championing causes, and popularizing various ideas or trends. Additionally, the rise of digital platforms has democratized content creation, enabling anyone with a unique perspective or skill to build a social media audience and make an impact, regardless of their existing popularity or professional background.

Creator Economy

The creator economy represents an economic model that enables individuals to monetize their online content, goods, and services by tapping into their own creativity, talents, and passions. About 23% of people contribute as creators, engaging in activities such as photography, videography, and creative writing across digital platforms like social media and blogs. Interestingly, Millennials form a substantial part of this economy, accounting for 42%, whereas Gen Z makes up 14%. A notable 48% of creators are driven primarily by the desire for freedom of expression, with only 26% motivated by financial gain. Influencers, often seen as the face of the creator economy, actually constitute just 14% of it. While content creation can indeed be a lucrative venture, it often starts as a side hustle, requiring significant time and commitment to turn into a successful full-time endeavor.

The creator economy is not just about money, it also plays a significant role in advancing social causes. An overwhelming 95% of creators actively support causes important to them, with food and housing security, social justice, and climate change being top priorities globally. Creators frequently use their platforms to raise awareness about social issues, give voice to underrepresented causes, and generally behave with concern for society in a way that is absent from "creator accounts" that are managed by brands and businesses. Regular creators and influencers find content creation to be an important creative outlet which supports their mental well-being. Research from Adobe has shown that the more time creators spend creating and sharing content, the happier they feel. For the wider consumer population, the opposite effect has been found in numerous studies around the way social media impacts individual mental health.

Types of Social Media Content

The best type of social media content is characterized by its ability to engage an audience, a quality that transcends specific formats and platforms. Content that tells a compelling story, whether through captivating images, thought-provoking articles, or relatable videos, tends to stand out and perform the best. Authenticity plays a crucial role in social media content, as audiences increasingly seek genuine connections with content creators, preferring candid and original posts rather than overly curated social media content. Participation is also a common thread in the most engaging content across different social media platforms, which is any form of interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and user-generated challenges. While video has the most dominant presence in high-performing content, the best content is format-agnostic and strikes a balance between creativity, relatability, trends, and relevance to the audience's interests.

The best type of social media content is characterized by its ability to engage an audience, a quality that transcends specific formats and platforms. Content that tells a compelling story, whether through captivating images, thought-provoking articles, or relatable videos, tends to stand out and perform the best. Authenticity plays a crucial role in social media content, as audiences increasingly seek genuine connections with content creators, preferring candid and original posts rather than overly curated social media content. Participation is also a common thread in the most engaging content across different social media platforms, which is any form of interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and user-generated challenges. While video has the most dominant presence in high-performing content, the best content is format-agnostic and strikes a balance between creativity, relatability, trends, and relevance to the audience's interests.

Short-Form Video

Short-Form Video

Short-form videos are exceptionally engaging on social media due to their ability to succinctly convey information in under a minute, making them highly shareable and suitable for social media platforms. In today's fast-paced world, audiences seek quick, enjoyable content they can consume on the go. The rise of TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts highlights the effectiveness of short-form video. YouTube Shorts, though a newer addition to YouTube, have gained substantial traction, boasting 15 billion global daily views. 66% of consumers find short-form videos more captivating than any other type of social media content, and even for video content, prefer short-form videos 2.5 times more than long-form ones.

Short-form videos also lend themselves well to various social media post concepts, including product demonstrations, influencer partnerships, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Consumers have shown a preference for genuine, non-promotional content from brands which has allowed for them to emulate tactics from popular creators and influencers. Elements like humor and relatability often perform well and do not require the budget of a professional video production. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram offer a range of free tools for creating short-form videos, including options for recording, adding music, applying filters, and embracing popular social trends. These platforms also provide opportunities for promoting content through native advertising campaigns.

Short-form videos are exceptionally engaging on social media due to their ability to succinctly convey information in under a minute, making them highly shareable and suitable for social media platforms. In today's fast-paced world, audiences seek quick, enjoyable content they can consume on the go. The rise of TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts highlights the effectiveness of short-form video. YouTube Shorts, though a newer addition to YouTube, have gained substantial traction, boasting 15 billion global daily views. 66% of consumers find short-form videos more captivating than any other type of social media content, and even for video content, prefer short-form videos 2.5 times more than long-form ones.

Short-form videos also lend themselves well to various social media post concepts, including product demonstrations, influencer partnerships, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Consumers have shown a preference for genuine, non-promotional content from brands which has allowed for them to emulate tactics from popular creators and influencers. Elements like humor and relatability often perform well and do not require the budget of a professional video production. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram offer a range of free tools for creating short-form videos, including options for recording, adding music, applying filters, and embracing popular social trends. These platforms also provide opportunities for promoting content through native advertising campaigns.



Images rank as the second most impactful type of content among nine key social media content categories, and they are frequently posted across various social networks. The immediate impact of static images is one of their greatest strengths. Colors, composition, and text (or the absence thereof) can swiftly convey a message to social media users. 61% of consumers find them to be the most engaging type of content in their feeds. Many people prefer the simplicity of viewing an image over reading extensive text or watching a long video. With the advent of high-definition cameras on mobile devices and a variety of free editing tools, virtually anyone can create high-quality photography and graphic design. This accessibility allows creators and brands to easily incorporate images into their content strategies without needing extensive resources.

Images rank as the second most impactful type of content among nine key social media content categories, and they are frequently posted across various social networks. The immediate impact of static images is one of their greatest strengths. Colors, composition, and text (or the absence thereof) can swiftly convey a message to social media users. 61% of consumers find them to be the most engaging type of content in their feeds. Many people prefer the simplicity of viewing an image over reading extensive text or watching a long video. With the advent of high-definition cameras on mobile devices and a variety of free editing tools, virtually anyone can create high-quality photography and graphic design. This accessibility allows creators and brands to easily incorporate images into their content strategies without needing extensive resources.

Live Video

Live Video

Live video has continued to grow in popularity, with 37% of consumers find live video the most engaging type of social media content. Live video allows for immediate interaction through broadcasts such as conversations, webinars, Q&As, or other virtual events, fostering a sense of community among viewers. Additionally, the content from these livestreams can be repurposed into shorts or text snippets for other networks, maximizing value. Among the various platforms offering livestream capabilities, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, YouTube Live, and LinkedIn Live stand out. During the pandemic, YouTube and Facebook Live served as major entertainment sources, while LinkedIn Live became a vital tool for brands to connect with a professional audience, with live videos on LinkedIn receiving 7x more reactions than native videos.

Live video has continued to grow in popularity, with 37% of consumers find live video the most engaging type of social media content. Live video allows for immediate interaction through broadcasts such as conversations, webinars, Q&As, or other virtual events, fostering a sense of community among viewers. Additionally, the content from these livestreams can be repurposed into shorts or text snippets for other networks, maximizing value. Among the various platforms offering livestream capabilities, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, YouTube Live, and LinkedIn Live stand out. During the pandemic, YouTube and Facebook Live served as major entertainment sources, while LinkedIn Live became a vital tool for brands to connect with a professional audience, with live videos on LinkedIn receiving 7x more reactions than native videos.

GIFs and Memes

GIFs and Memes

GIFs and memes represent a unique type of social media content, particularly beloved by younger generations for their ability to convey emotions and gestures that words alone might not capture. The popularity of these formats ensures that the audience grasps the message with imagery and symbolism that communicates specific ideas or emotions from digital culture. GIFs, with their dynamic animated features, are especially effective in sparking conversations beyond mere words. Using this format allows brands to connect with their audience through humorous reflections of everyday life, but may not match their typical content or brand image. However, shareability and relatability make GIF and meme content feel personalized, something that 71% of consumers expect from companies. The immediate, engaging nature of these formats also prompts users to interact and re-share, making them potent tools for virality when targeted at the right audience. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are ideal for memes, while Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are more suited for GIFs. On Instagram, GIFs can function as short videos.

GIFs and memes represent a unique type of social media content, particularly beloved by younger generations for their ability to convey emotions and gestures that words alone might not capture. The popularity of these formats ensures that the audience grasps the message with imagery and symbolism that communicates specific ideas or emotions from digital culture. GIFs, with their dynamic animated features, are especially effective in sparking conversations beyond mere words. Using this format allows brands to connect with their audience through humorous reflections of everyday life, but may not match their typical content or brand image. However, shareability and relatability make GIF and meme content feel personalized, something that 71% of consumers expect from companies. The immediate, engaging nature of these formats also prompts users to interact and re-share, making them potent tools for virality when targeted at the right audience. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are ideal for memes, while Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are more suited for GIFs. On Instagram, GIFs can function as short videos.

Text Posts

Text Posts

While visual content is crucial, the significance of text-based posts cannot be overlooked. Text content requires the same level of attention, consistency, and creativity as other media forms. Creating a unique brand tone and voice that complements your visual identity is an effective way to make your written content stand out in a crowded social media feed. 34% of consumers follow brands on social media to experience their personality, and text posts are the most straightforward way to showcase your identity. Authenticity is an important attribute for consumers, and text posts can offer a direct and more personal way for brands to communicate their values and story. Well-crafted text posts can enhance engagement by provoking thought and discussion from a minimal amount of content. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and LinkedIn are optimal for text-based content, but text-based posts can be effective on any channels that support them.

While visual content is crucial, the significance of text-based posts cannot be overlooked. Text content requires the same level of attention, consistency, and creativity as other media forms. Creating a unique brand tone and voice that complements your visual identity is an effective way to make your written content stand out in a crowded social media feed. 34% of consumers follow brands on social media to experience their personality, and text posts are the most straightforward way to showcase your identity. Authenticity is an important attribute for consumers, and text posts can offer a direct and more personal way for brands to communicate their values and story. Well-crafted text posts can enhance engagement by provoking thought and discussion from a minimal amount of content. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and LinkedIn are optimal for text-based content, but text-based posts can be effective on any channels that support them.

User Generated Content

User Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) generally refers to content that is created by the audience side of social media handles, and has become an important component of social media strategy for many brands and businesses. This type of content communicates trust through "social proof" and testimonials, and can also demonstrates real-life application as part of a shopping experience. User generated content is perceived as the most trustworthy type of content and most popular with consumers who prioritize authentic experiences. UGC also offers an economical way to create content, with minimal or no investment needed from a brand. Any social platform is an optimal channels for showcasing user-generated content based on what content is available from consumers.

User-generated content (UGC) generally refers to content that is created by the audience side of social media handles, and has become an important component of social media strategy for many brands and businesses. This type of content communicates trust through "social proof" and testimonials, and can also demonstrates real-life application as part of a shopping experience. User generated content is perceived as the most trustworthy type of content and most popular with consumers who prioritize authentic experiences. UGC also offers an economical way to create content, with minimal or no investment needed from a brand. Any social platform is an optimal channels for showcasing user-generated content based on what content is available from consumers.

Social Audio

Social Audio

Social audio is a form of media in which voice messages are recorded with discussions on a range of topics or personal experiences. Podcasts have emerged as the most effective audio format and distinct type of social media content which combines long-format voice discussions with individual personalities. Social audio content has drawn comparisons to the historic appeal of talk radio, and has emerged as an engaging content format which can build deep connection with listeners and create large audiences. 32% of US consumers have listened to podcasts while driving, choosing this audio format for the convenience and the ability to multitask. In contrast to other social media formats, recorded audio content is unique in the way it can be consumed by individuals, and this unique format provides an engagement opportunity for moments when consumers are working, commuting, or performing tasks that do not require their full sensory attention. While this content is more accessible, the threshold for audio content quality has increased as a consequence of rapid podcast growth and lower barriers to entry for new creators. Spotify and Apple Podcasts are the primary channels for podcasts listeners but social audio content can also be repurposed for platforms like TikTok and YouTube, which support long-format audio recordings and offer features that can enhance podcasts with images or video recordings of podcast sessions.

Social audio is a form of media in which voice messages are recorded with discussions on a range of topics or personal experiences. Podcasts have emerged as the most effective audio format and distinct type of social media content which combines long-format voice discussions with individual personalities. Social audio content has drawn comparisons to the historic appeal of talk radio, and has emerged as an engaging content format which can build deep connection with listeners and create large audiences. 32% of US consumers have listened to podcasts while driving, choosing this audio format for the convenience and the ability to multitask. In contrast to other social media formats, recorded audio content is unique in the way it can be consumed by individuals, and this unique format provides an engagement opportunity for moments when consumers are working, commuting, or performing tasks that do not require their full sensory attention. While this content is more accessible, the threshold for audio content quality has increased as a consequence of rapid podcast growth and lower barriers to entry for new creators. Spotify and Apple Podcasts are the primary channels for podcasts listeners but social audio content can also be repurposed for platforms like TikTok and YouTube, which support long-format audio recordings and offer features that can enhance podcasts with images or video recordings of podcast sessions.

Links & Articles

Links & Articles

Incorporating links within social media text posts is an effective way to share external website content. URLs provide an easy way for social media users to visit external content, and the website experience shared in the link can provide detailed information and unique experiences that go beyond the content constraints of social posts. This tactic is especially effective for driving website traffic to informational content like articles, and promoting commercial content for products and services. For social media ads, URL posts are an essential content format which allows users to use commerce features for a transactional shopping experience. Social platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook are particularly effective for seamlessly integrating external URLs in social posts. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook and highlight these links by displaying thumbnail images, while Pinterest offers customization options for thumbnails, including the ability to upload images, title your pins, and add descriptions.

Incorporating links within social media text posts is an effective way to share external website content. URLs provide an easy way for social media users to visit external content, and the website experience shared in the link can provide detailed information and unique experiences that go beyond the content constraints of social posts. This tactic is especially effective for driving website traffic to informational content like articles, and promoting commercial content for products and services. For social media ads, URL posts are an essential content format which allows users to use commerce features for a transactional shopping experience. Social platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook are particularly effective for seamlessly integrating external URLs in social posts. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook and highlight these links by displaying thumbnail images, while Pinterest offers customization options for thumbnails, including the ability to upload images, title your pins, and add descriptions.

Valters Lauzums

Adjunct Instructor

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