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Copywriting for Social Media Content

Copywriting for Social Media Content

Social copywriting is a specialized form of writing that focuses on creating compelling content for social media platforms. The primary goal of social copywriting is to engage audiences, drive social media interactions, and grow followers.


min read

Dec 30, 2023

Social Media Marketing


What is Social Media Copywriting?

What is Social Media Copywriting?

Social media copywriting is the art of writing text content, commonly known as "copy," which is designed to persuade, inform, entertain, or generally capture the attention of the reader for any purpose. For businesses, copy traditionally aims to motivate action, promote products, or showcase a specific message as a method for growing revenue. In the age of social media, the ability for a business to place any text in front of consumers has been curbed by the ability for consumers to interact with social media content. Promotional content and copy with an overt commercial intent is generally poorly received by consumers and even willfully ignored. For brands and businesses to effectively use social media copywriting, their content must be flexible, creative, and respectful of the need from consumers to see engaging and relevant content. While text posts are popular, visuals are the centerpiece for the majority of individual social posts and adapting copy to complement visual assets is a crucial element to building effective social media content. Writing effective copy can be as simple as easy-to-read sentences that share clear information, or more difficult when conveying a message that seeks to maximize engagement and potentially "go viral" through a responsive feed algorithm or natural human content sharing.

Writing for Social Media

Social media copywriting is an important tool for effective social media content, based on the impact and viral potential that a single clever sentence can have for brands and creators. While some users consider social media copywriting as a secondary concern in creating new posts, using creativity and a clear strategy in writing social media post copy is worth the time investment. Improving your copywriting skills will improve the quality and appeal of your content. Good content leads to good engagement and more reach. Mastering the art of social copywriting is as easy as building new habits through repetition and practice. Well-crafted sentences and strategic planning for social content becomes second nature through consistent effort and experimentation with your own creative identity.

Value in Social Content

In the current social media landscape, users have become increasingly savvy and discerning. Social media content can be challenging to create and authentic engagement can be equally difficult to achieve even from existing followers. For social media copywriting, this means that what you write should be purposeful and consumers should be able to justify the time they spent reading it. It's important for brands to communicate information that has value for their followers, or is worth being seen. What is the reason for your brand or business to have the privilege of being in this users social feed? Consequently, it's crucial for brands to understand their audience's needs and expectations. Identifying what your brand can uniquely offer to meet consumer needs or provide unique value to their audience is an important concept to understand when creating social content and evaluating performance. Keeping up to date with social trends and continually evolving your approach based on your results will ensure that you are creating social content that is worth the time your audience spends reading it.

Types of Social Media Copy

There are several types of copy in social posts, each requiring a unique copywriting approach and skill set. While all social will involve creative ideation on the unique language expression that fits your own brand, each social platform and post type has differences which should be considered in your copywriting choices. For brands, one common approach is to simply repurpose content from other platforms, often shortening it without considering the unique dynamics of each platform. Good social media copywriting requires thoughtful effort; it should capture attention by having value and being worth the time investment for a user to process or engage with your content. Consider where and how social copy is displayed is a critical starting point for effective social media copywriting.

Organic Post Copy

The most common social media copywriting involves writing text for organic, in-feed posts. This involves the creation of standard posts in the respective format for each social platform which can also mean writing copy as on-screen text or captions within features like Instagram Stories and Reels.

Paid Social Ad Copy

This refers to the text used in paid social ads, including post text, ad headlines, and text overlays on images. Paid social copy is generally written to be persuasive through the strategic use of words that are relevant to a unique audiences and compelling enough for them to take action.

Video Copywriting

The process of writing a video script has many differences from other forms of copywriting, with communication strategies that are unique to the way consumers will process information in video content. Generally, it's advisable to use short, simple sentences in scripts, making the language conversational and accessible to a wide audience.

Direct Message Copy

Direct message copy refers to autoresponders that activate when users initiate a private conversation on platforms like Facebook and is frequently managed with AI-based automation which uses elements from a pre-written script. This could occur organically or as a result of engagement with a Messenger Ad.

There are several types of copy in social posts, each requiring a unique copywriting approach and skill set. While all social will involve creative ideation on the unique language expression that fits your own brand, each social platform and post type has differences which should be considered in your copywriting choices. For brands, one common approach is to simply repurpose content from other platforms, often shortening it without considering the unique dynamics of each platform. Good social media copywriting requires thoughtful effort; it should capture attention by having value and being worth the time investment for a user to process or engage with your content. Consider where and how social copy is displayed is a critical starting point for effective social media copywriting.

Organic Post Copy

The most common social media copywriting involves writing text for organic, in-feed posts. This involves the creation of standard posts in the respective format for each social platform which can also mean writing copy as on-screen text or captions within features like Instagram Stories and Reels.

Paid Social Ad Copy

This refers to the text used in paid social ads, including post text, ad headlines, and text overlays on images. Paid social copy is generally written to be persuasive through the strategic use of words that are relevant to a unique audiences and compelling enough for them to take action.

Video Copywriting

The process of writing a video script has many differences from other forms of copywriting, with communication strategies that are unique to the way consumers will process information in video content. Generally, it's advisable to use short, simple sentences in scripts, making the language conversational and accessible to a wide audience.

Direct Message Copy

Direct message copy refers to autoresponders that activate when users initiate a private conversation on platforms like Facebook and is frequently managed with AI-based automation which uses elements from a pre-written script. This could occur organically or as a result of engagement with a Messenger Ad.

Brand Personality

Brand Personality

The first step in writing social media copy is to define the personality for your brand. Do you aim for professional demeanor, or perhaps something more enthusiastic, casual, or humorous? How are you demonstrating your values and identity through the words you choose? Tone of voice plays a crucial role in how the message is perceived and received by the audience. In contrast to literature where the tone of a sentence reflects the author's feelings towards the subject, tone of voice in social media plays a large role in defining your brand. To ensure consistency in your messaging, consider writing specific guidelines that provide details on words or sentence structure, and any useful information to help write social media content. Consistency in the copy you use will create a sense of familiarity and build trust with individual followers.

For some brands, corporate marketing often leans towards being overly formal and rigid. While this approach might be effective for press releases or corporate communication, it doesn't perform well on social media, and avoiding a unique brand personality can lead to missed engagement opportunities and limited reach. Finding a balance between professionalism and a casual, engaging tone of voice is a smart choice for many brands or businesses. Allowing for creativity in how you communicate your brand personality helps build a stronger, more personal connection with audiences.

The first step in writing social media copy is to define the personality for your brand. Do you aim for professional demeanor, or perhaps something more enthusiastic, casual, or humorous? How are you demonstrating your values and identity through the words you choose? Tone of voice plays a crucial role in how the message is perceived and received by the audience. In contrast to literature where the tone of a sentence reflects the author's feelings towards the subject, tone of voice in social media plays a large role in defining your brand. To ensure consistency in your messaging, consider writing specific guidelines that provide details on words or sentence structure, and any useful information to help write social media content. Consistency in the copy you use will create a sense of familiarity and build trust with individual followers.

For some brands, corporate marketing often leans towards being overly formal and rigid. While this approach might be effective for press releases or corporate communication, it doesn't perform well on social media, and avoiding a unique brand personality can lead to missed engagement opportunities and limited reach. Finding a balance between professionalism and a casual, engaging tone of voice is a smart choice for many brands or businesses. Allowing for creativity in how you communicate your brand personality helps build a stronger, more personal connection with audiences.

Active Voice

Active Voice

Using an active voice is an effective way to build sentences that are typically shorter and more straightforward, enhancing readability and clarity. This is in contrast to the passive voice, which tends to produce lengthier sentences and can sometimes come across as vague or indirect. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by the verb, directly asserting the action.

For example, "Jerry knocked over the lamp" places Jerry as the active subject who is performing the action. Conversely, the passive voice shifts the focus, making the subject the recipient of the action. In "The lamp was knocked over by Jerry," the lamp becomes the subject, with the action happening to it. Both sentences convey the same event - Jerry causing the lamp to fall - but the active voice centers on the doer (Jerry), while the passive voice emphasizes the object (the lamp).

The passive voice often faces criticism for being a weaker, less direct form of expression. However, it has its uses, particularly when the focus is on the action itself rather than the actor, or when the actor is unknown or irrelevant. For instance, "We found an old car in the woods" in active voice focuses on the discoverers, while "An old car was found in the woods" in passive voice emphasizes the discovery itself, without specifying who made it. Using the active voice in your writing generally makes your statements more dynamic and engaging, a critical aspect in effective communication.

Using an active voice is an effective way to build sentences that are typically shorter and more straightforward, enhancing readability and clarity. This is in contrast to the passive voice, which tends to produce lengthier sentences and can sometimes come across as vague or indirect. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by the verb, directly asserting the action.

For example, "Jerry knocked over the lamp" places Jerry as the active subject who is performing the action. Conversely, the passive voice shifts the focus, making the subject the recipient of the action. In "The lamp was knocked over by Jerry," the lamp becomes the subject, with the action happening to it. Both sentences convey the same event - Jerry causing the lamp to fall - but the active voice centers on the doer (Jerry), while the passive voice emphasizes the object (the lamp).

The passive voice often faces criticism for being a weaker, less direct form of expression. However, it has its uses, particularly when the focus is on the action itself rather than the actor, or when the actor is unknown or irrelevant. For instance, "We found an old car in the woods" in active voice focuses on the discoverers, while "An old car was found in the woods" in passive voice emphasizes the discovery itself, without specifying who made it. Using the active voice in your writing generally makes your statements more dynamic and engaging, a critical aspect in effective communication.

Complement Visual Assets

Complement Visual Assets

Social platforms are visual spaces where images and videos often capture more attention than text. However, this doesn't diminish the importance of well-crafted copy; instead, it highlights the need for copy to effectively complement and enhance these visual elements. While it's true that visuals tend to draw the initial attention, the accompanying copy plays an important role in determining the overall impact of a post. The right words can be the deciding factor that encourages a viewer to engage with your content, be it through clicking, sharing, or commenting. Therefore, the relationship between copy and visuals should be symbiotic, each enhancing the other to create a more compelling message. The goal is to create a seamless relationship between words and images, where the copy adds depth and context to the visuals, making the overall message more persuasive and memorable.

Social platforms are visual spaces where images and videos often capture more attention than text. However, this doesn't diminish the importance of well-crafted copy; instead, it highlights the need for copy to effectively complement and enhance these visual elements. While it's true that visuals tend to draw the initial attention, the accompanying copy plays an important role in determining the overall impact of a post. The right words can be the deciding factor that encourages a viewer to engage with your content, be it through clicking, sharing, or commenting. Therefore, the relationship between copy and visuals should be symbiotic, each enhancing the other to create a more compelling message. The goal is to create a seamless relationship between words and images, where the copy adds depth and context to the visuals, making the overall message more persuasive and memorable.

Character Limits

Character Limits

Users often quickly skim through content on social media, making brevity and clarity an effective way to communicate. The key is to convey your message effectively without overwhelming your audience with long, intricate content. This approach not only facilitates quick comprehension but also enhances the likelihood of audience engagement. Studies across various social media platforms support this principle of simplicity.

  • On Facebook, despite the allowance for posts of up to 60,000 characters, research indicates that posts averaging around 50 characters tend to be the most effective.

  • Similarly, on Instagram, while the character limit reaches 2,200, research has shown that posts falling within the range of 1 to 50 characters are generally more impactful.

  • The trend continues on Twitter, where the maximum post length has been expanded to 280 characters. However, studies have revealed that the ideal tweet length hovers around 100 characters.

  • For LinkedIn, especially in the context of company statuses, although the character limit is set at 700, posts that are less than 140 characters tend to perform better.

Users often quickly skim through content on social media, making brevity and clarity an effective way to communicate. The key is to convey your message effectively without overwhelming your audience with long, intricate content. This approach not only facilitates quick comprehension but also enhances the likelihood of audience engagement. Studies across various social media platforms support this principle of simplicity.

  • On Facebook, despite the allowance for posts of up to 60,000 characters, research indicates that posts averaging around 50 characters tend to be the most effective.

  • Similarly, on Instagram, while the character limit reaches 2,200, research has shown that posts falling within the range of 1 to 50 characters are generally more impactful.

  • The trend continues on Twitter, where the maximum post length has been expanded to 280 characters. However, studies have revealed that the ideal tweet length hovers around 100 characters.

  • For LinkedIn, especially in the context of company statuses, although the character limit is set at 700, posts that are less than 140 characters tend to perform better.



Certain words and concepts are specifically chosen for their ability to elicit emotional and psychological responses, making them a favorite tool of copywriters and marketers. These words have the potential to capture attention and persuade them to take action. The strategic use of persuasive language in social media content is an effective communication method but should be used judiciously with moderate and thoughtful application.

Incorporating certain keywords into your content can significantly enhance its appeal and effectiveness. Words like "new" can instantly grab attention, as people are naturally drawn to novel concepts or products. Similarly, the word "free" is a powerful lure, promising something without cost that some consumers have conditioned themselves to take action on. "Because" is another strategic word frequently used in marketing content to provide a compelling reason for a purchase or other action. The word "instant" taps into the universal desire for immediate gratification, making it highly effective in driving engagement. The phrase "how to" is very popular in social media content, as it promises practical, actionable information, appealing to the innate human desire to learn and improve. Lastly, the word "you" personalizes the message, focusing on the reader and their specific needs or interests. It makes the content feel more conversational and less sales-driven, and is considered one of the most persuasive words in the English language.

Curiosity is deeply tied to the essence of human nature. Our quest for answers and the thrill of uncovering new information are core drivers in human behavior. This curiosity propels us to enhance our skills, advance our education, and delve into articles, courses, or product descriptions, all in the pursuit of life improvement.

Credibility for a brand and their products plays a crucial role in long-term business growth. Words that communicate credibility can significantly enhance the how professional a user may view a brand or individual. These words are especially effective when used alongside testimonials or endorsements from others about your service.

Safety is a fundamental part of the human psychology and can be communicated to covey s a message of assurance, letting people know that interactions with your business or website are secure. These words can evoke a sense of protection, offering your audience comfort and confidence through reassuring language.

Encouragement is one of the most rewarding methods to use when creating content for any audience. Using encouragement in marketing can enhances people's lives and boosts their self-esteem. This could mean providing comfort and positive thinking around topics that are frequently stressful like careers, relationships, and health.

Certain words and concepts are specifically chosen for their ability to elicit emotional and psychological responses, making them a favorite tool of copywriters and marketers. These words have the potential to capture attention and persuade them to take action. The strategic use of persuasive language in social media content is an effective communication method but should be used judiciously with moderate and thoughtful application.

Incorporating certain keywords into your content can significantly enhance its appeal and effectiveness. Words like "new" can instantly grab attention, as people are naturally drawn to novel concepts or products. Similarly, the word "free" is a powerful lure, promising something without cost that some consumers have conditioned themselves to take action on. "Because" is another strategic word frequently used in marketing content to provide a compelling reason for a purchase or other action. The word "instant" taps into the universal desire for immediate gratification, making it highly effective in driving engagement. The phrase "how to" is very popular in social media content, as it promises practical, actionable information, appealing to the innate human desire to learn and improve. Lastly, the word "you" personalizes the message, focusing on the reader and their specific needs or interests. It makes the content feel more conversational and less sales-driven, and is considered one of the most persuasive words in the English language.

Curiosity is deeply tied to the essence of human nature. Our quest for answers and the thrill of uncovering new information are core drivers in human behavior. This curiosity propels us to enhance our skills, advance our education, and delve into articles, courses, or product descriptions, all in the pursuit of life improvement.

Credibility for a brand and their products plays a crucial role in long-term business growth. Words that communicate credibility can significantly enhance the how professional a user may view a brand or individual. These words are especially effective when used alongside testimonials or endorsements from others about your service.

Safety is a fundamental part of the human psychology and can be communicated to covey s a message of assurance, letting people know that interactions with your business or website are secure. These words can evoke a sense of protection, offering your audience comfort and confidence through reassuring language.

Encouragement is one of the most rewarding methods to use when creating content for any audience. Using encouragement in marketing can enhances people's lives and boosts their self-esteem. This could mean providing comfort and positive thinking around topics that are frequently stressful like careers, relationships, and health.

Emojis & Hashtags

Emojis & Hashtags

Emojis have roots dating back to the 1990s when a Japanese marketing agency first developed them from typographic emoticons. After being integrated into Apple's iOS keyboard in 2011, emojis have become a staple in digital communication, with over 1,620 different emojis available on iOS alone. Unlike the text-based emoticons of the '90s, emojis are pixel-based images representing a wide range of emotions, objects, and activities, and they continue to evolve with options for different skin tones and hair colors. Their use in marketing is increasingly common; studies have shown increases in engagement and interaction when emojis are used in social media posts. Emojis can help connect with audiences on a more emotional level by adding depth, context, and relatability to a messaging, making them a valuable tool in contemporary marketing strategies.

Hashtags are a powerful tool for broadening the reach of your content and connecting it to the wider group of conversations happening on social platforms. While reach for hashtags will depend on how a specific platform handles them, hashtags are generally a worthwhile feature to include in text copy as both a communication method and platform feature for visibility. When discussing a trending topic or event, incorporating relevant, official hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of your post. Additionally, creating unique hashtags for your brand’s larger campaigns can be an effective way to community engagement and track conversation around a given hashtag.

Emojis have roots dating back to the 1990s when a Japanese marketing agency first developed them from typographic emoticons. After being integrated into Apple's iOS keyboard in 2011, emojis have become a staple in digital communication, with over 1,620 different emojis available on iOS alone. Unlike the text-based emoticons of the '90s, emojis are pixel-based images representing a wide range of emotions, objects, and activities, and they continue to evolve with options for different skin tones and hair colors. Their use in marketing is increasingly common; studies have shown increases in engagement and interaction when emojis are used in social media posts. Emojis can help connect with audiences on a more emotional level by adding depth, context, and relatability to a messaging, making them a valuable tool in contemporary marketing strategies.

Hashtags are a powerful tool for broadening the reach of your content and connecting it to the wider group of conversations happening on social platforms. While reach for hashtags will depend on how a specific platform handles them, hashtags are generally a worthwhile feature to include in text copy as both a communication method and platform feature for visibility. When discussing a trending topic or event, incorporating relevant, official hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of your post. Additionally, creating unique hashtags for your brand’s larger campaigns can be an effective way to community engagement and track conversation around a given hashtag.

Using a Hook

Using a Hook

The concept of starting with a hook is an effective method for building social content. Using a hook at the beginning of your copy means using compelling imagery or vivid examples to attract readers to your copy, encouraging them to look deeper into the content. This is often used through the strategic use of words, and vivid or relatable examples that are effective in drawing attention in a crowded social feed.

  • One technique for achieving this is creating a mental scenario. This involves prompting readers to envision a particular example that vividly illustrates a crucial point of your message. Mental scenarios are a powerful way to inspire users through imagination and connect them emotionally to your content.

  • Citing authoritative research findings or statistics in your content is another example of a strong content hook. This adds a layer of credibility and can pique the reader's interest with factual and authoritative information.

  • Using a warning as a hook has been a classic and effective method to capture attention. It can create a sense of urgency or importance, though it’s important to use this technique judiciously to avoid overdoing it.

The concept of starting with a hook is an effective method for building social content. Using a hook at the beginning of your copy means using compelling imagery or vivid examples to attract readers to your copy, encouraging them to look deeper into the content. This is often used through the strategic use of words, and vivid or relatable examples that are effective in drawing attention in a crowded social feed.

  • One technique for achieving this is creating a mental scenario. This involves prompting readers to envision a particular example that vividly illustrates a crucial point of your message. Mental scenarios are a powerful way to inspire users through imagination and connect them emotionally to your content.

  • Citing authoritative research findings or statistics in your content is another example of a strong content hook. This adds a layer of credibility and can pique the reader's interest with factual and authoritative information.

  • Using a warning as a hook has been a classic and effective method to capture attention. It can create a sense of urgency or importance, though it’s important to use this technique judiciously to avoid overdoing it.

Actionable Language

Actionable Language

While the meaning of social media copy is contextual and frequently depends on other assets, a brand or business should be evaluating their social media content based on their own business objectives. If your content has the expectation to trigger a specific action or outcome, it's important to convey that message clearly and make it apparent what action you want your audience to take. Depending on the content, including a link or opting for a paid post with a "call to action" button may be the most appropriate method for commercial or promotional content.

Not every social media post needs to include a call-to-action or copy that shows your expectation for users to take a specific action. While clear and actionable copy can be valuable, the overuse of promotional content or continual prompts to take a specific action has many pitfalls and will likely lead to lost opportunities on a given social media account.

While the meaning of social media copy is contextual and frequently depends on other assets, a brand or business should be evaluating their social media content based on their own business objectives. If your content has the expectation to trigger a specific action or outcome, it's important to convey that message clearly and make it apparent what action you want your audience to take. Depending on the content, including a link or opting for a paid post with a "call to action" button may be the most appropriate method for commercial or promotional content.

Not every social media post needs to include a call-to-action or copy that shows your expectation for users to take a specific action. While clear and actionable copy can be valuable, the overuse of promotional content or continual prompts to take a specific action has many pitfalls and will likely lead to lost opportunities on a given social media account.

Valters Lauzums

Adjunct Instructor

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